About Us

Dear Doctor, If you give me 3 minutes, you will find out how to save valuable practice time, improve positive word of mouth and limit the phenomenon that 32% of patients change dentists every 3 years…

My name is Alessandro Lattore, president of the Pendragon Group. I have been helping dentists with oral surgery solutions for 27 years, and for the past 10 years I have also been operating in Mexico and the United States.
Just in Mexico I understood a hard truth, which an entrepreneur will not easily admit:

dental products are all the same and interchangeable, mine included.

They called us “the millers,” the first to market 350 different solutions versus 30 from local competitors. We revolutionized the Mexican market, but yet we were not making a real difference for the dental practice. Why

the reality is that you, and your colleagues, already have all the tools you need.

This pained me; I wanted to help in a really incisive way. After accidentally reading some dental marketing research, I realized that in order to become an increasingly referral clinician these days, she needs not only exceptional tools, but also constant patient trust that generates positive word of mouth bringing her more people to help.
In fact, according to Dr. Pelliccia, an economist and dental communication and marketing expert, “A number of researches also conducted by international institutes indicate 32 percent of patients change dentists every three years for various reasons.”
So faithfulness must always be renewed. Not to mention that only one affectionate person brings her other patients. From a survey conducted by Nielsen in 2021-as many as 67% of the total are those who come by word of mouth (38% chose it because family dentist and 29% because recommended by friends and relatives).

And what keeps a person loyal to their clinician?

Not professionalism, because it is taken for granted, as Mannheimer says in explaining a survey conducted for ANDI.
Also because the patient does not have the tools to evaluate it. He can only make judgments based on what he sees and feels, i.e., on the discomfort more or less experienced.
And now we come to the focus of this message.
I want to make a difference for my clients and help them, not only with outstanding instruments, but also by improving the comfort of their patients and making life easier for the dentist.
That is why I am collecting sincere opinions from selected clinicians like you. The goal is to get better and better at what I offer.
The real strength of what we are spreading in Italy is not just the tool, but rather the underlying technology, which will save time and resources.

It’s called BURSBOX: the first consignment cutter set that contacts our company on its own to request the exchange of used parts. It works like this.

1- The customer requests a set of cutters that are placed in the BURSBOX “smart box” … and pays nothing.

2- BURSBOX, after one month, will automatically send the data of the instruments used back to the company so that we can send new ones to restore the set-up.

3- The customer will pay the amount of only the cutters they used once the new ones arrive.

– He will no longer have to delegate resources that waste time counting instrumentation and placing the order;
– Never again appointments with salespeople who take up your valuable time;
– No forced storage with advance payments.
– His patients will have greater comfort because of the speed of his treatment
– and they will be more and more enticed to bring her friends and remain loyal to her.

We are making a third production of it since we introduced it in Italy in 2021, after extreme success in Mexico and the U.S. that persists to this day. Once the units are finished, it will be at least another year before more are available.

You won’t risk anything, every one of our solutions is guaranteed at a Satisfied or Refunded level.

In case you access BURSBOX and, for whatever reason, do not think the cutters perform the best cut you have ever seen, simply contact us and we will refund the amount of your order.
However, if our solutions were not more than excellent, we could not afford this level of assurance, could we? But it is right to earn his trust and renew it every day, just as you do with your patients.

Contact us and let us know how we can help you set up your customized BURSBOX.